Health & Wellness

How Uber Sexual Assault Impacts a Person Emotionally

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Catching an Uber is supposed to be easy, right? Get in, get where you’re going. But for some people, it turns into a nightmare.

Being sexually assaulted by your Uber driver is a terrible experience that can leave you feeling really hurt and scared for a long time. You must seek justice for your Uber sexual assault. You deserve to at least see the person responsible for your emotional trauma put in jail.

These experiences can mess with how you see yourself and the world around you. Let’s talk about how this kind of trauma can affect someone, the pain it causes, the confusion it brings, and the strength it can take to heal.

Uber Sexual Assault

Emotional Impact of an Uber Sexual Assault

Here are some common emotional tolls an Uber sexual assault can have on the victim:

Loss of Self

After experiencing a sexual assault, one of the toughest things to deal with is feeling like you’ve lost who you are. It’s common to blame yourself and feel worthless, especially when the person who hurt you tries to mess with your head.

You might start doubting yourself and feeling like you’re not worthy of love and respect anymore.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Another big effect of going through something like this is feeling like your emotions are all over the place.

You might go from feeling okay one minute to feeling really upset the next, and it’s hard to control. This can make it tough to handle everyday stuff and can mess up your relationships with people.

Feeling Disconnected

Sometimes, you might feel like you’re not really there; almost like you’re watching your own life from far away. It’s your brain’s way of trying to protect you from all the overwhelming feelings. But it can make you feel really lost and unsure about what’s real.

Other Mental Health Stuff

Going through a sexual assault can mess with your head in other ways too. You might start feeling super anxious or really down all the time.

Some people even develop habits like constantly checking things or feeling like they have to do things a certain way. It’s like your brain is trying to cope, but it can end up making things even harder.

Impact on sexuality

For survivors, sexual experiences can become really complicated after an assault. They might get triggered by certain things and feel scared or disconnected during intimacy.

The partners of these victims must try to understand and create a safe space where they can talk openly about what feels okay and what doesn’t.

How to Get Help After Being the Victim of an Uber Sexual Assault

In some cases, the victims spring back on their feet and begin to actively chase justice. Other victims might not have this stamina. It might take some time, along with helpful resources, for them to fully recover from the impact of this experience.

Here are some of the measures they could try to speed up their healing process:

Prioritize Your Safety

First and foremost, ensure your physical safety. If you haven’t already, report the assault to the police. Uber also has a reporting system. You should also consider reaching out to a crisis hotline like RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) at 800-656-HOPE. You can also text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor.

Embrace Your Support System

Don’t isolate yourself. Lean on the people who love and respect you – friends, family, or a therapist. Talking about what happened, even if it’s hard, can be incredibly cathartic.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone you know, consider joining a support group for survivors of sexual assault. The National Sexual Assault Hotline can connect you with resources in your area.

Find a Therapist Who Gets It

A therapist specializing in trauma can be a powerful ally on your healing journey. They can help you process the assault, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and address any anxieties or flashbacks that may arise. Look for someone who has experience specifically with sexual assault trauma.

Reclaim Your Body

The assault may have left you feeling disconnected from your body. Taking back control can be a powerful step towards healing. Consider activities like yoga, gentle stretching, or meditation.

These practices can help you reconnect with your physical sensations and rebuild a sense of safety within your own body.

Wrapping Up

The violation you experienced in that Uber ride was a brutal theft – a theft of your safety, your trust, and a piece of your sense of self. It’s okay to be shattered, angry, and lost right now.

But within you lies an incredible strength, a will to heal and reclaim your life. Even while you focus on your healing process, you can hire an attorney to take on the role of getting justice and bringing the perpetrator face the full extent of the law.